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Made by: ADLEY MY FiRST ViDEO EDiT!! Funny Barbie Story and my Vidsummit Fun with Nastya & Payton
Adley & Jenny's FiRST ViDSUMMiT!! new friends Payton and Nastya! family travel day & ninja jump park
DiRECTED BY ADLEY - a Music Video with Barbie about the First Day of School! "we can dream anything"
WE TURNED iNTO BARBiES!! niko & navey grow long hair & pretend to be their favorite barbies! #adley
ADLEYS CRAZY GOGGLES!! turning into superman at vidsummit & playing fun games with family! #adley
RACiNG SCOOTERS and RiDiNG ROLLERBLADES!! Adley Niko & Navey play Laser Tag then slide Hide n Seek
Adley SiNG and DANCE Recital 🎤 Navey loves watching Adleys song! Snowy Elf trapped inside a balloon
a SPECiAL DAY for ADLEY!! Family and Friends join us to celebrate and water slide at pirate island
WEDDiNG DAY!! Adley is a Bridesmaid and Family Hotel Getaway! flowers, dancing, and lots of candy
ADLEYS PERSONAL BUTLER!! 😂 mom, dad, & adley play pretend and have ViDSUMMiT FUN! #aforadley
DON'T EAT our DUCK FAMiLY!! Migration with Adley Niko and Navey our crazy baby ducks playing roblox
ADLEY ESCAPES JAiL!! the family escapes roblox prison & saves mom from officer niko! #aforadley